Kuru Wooden Church

- Source Niilo Söyrinki et al., Vanhan-Ruoveden historia osa I, Vanhan-Ruoveden Historiatoimikunta, 1989, 457, 462, and the list  13.6.1697, design, photos, research, editing, translation © UJ 1998 - 28.6.2011 -


The bell  for the the bell tower of  the sermon house was bought at the end of the 1600's. It had the following engraving: "Soli Deo Gloria. Anno 1684. Gloria in Exelcis Deo. Me fundebat Holmiae Michel Bader."

Women's side in the sermon house had 12 benches and men's side 11, the sitting order was determined in 13.6.1697. Three years earlier had Andreas Caroli Satacundensis or Andreas Carlsson Indrenius (matr. 1679) started his 10-year-long period as the vicar of old Ruovesi.    


Women's Side

  1. Lörpys, Ikonen
  2. Toikko, Vihola, Heikkilä
  3. Kuru
  4. Karjula, Paappainen, Erkkilä from Karjula village
  5. Kapee, Suutari, Kuru's maids
  6. Keihäsjärvi, Tienari, Sormunen
  7. Koski from Karjula village, Minkkinen, Tyrkkölä from Karjula village
  8. Taipale, Luomajärvi
  9. Hainari, Lannetta, Mylläri's maids
  10. Kovanen, Saksa, Pusu
  11. Hänninen, Murolekoski, Puntanen
  12. Independent tenants and landless people

Men's Side

  1. Kuru
  2. Toikko
  3. Hainari, Vihola
    (Extras of these in bench N:o 2)
  4. Kapee, Suutari
  5. Keihäsjärvi, Tienari, Kuru's farm hands
  6. Karjula, Paappainen, Hänninen
  7. Koski, Minkkinen, Tyrkkölä from Karjula village
  8. Taipale, Mylläri's farm hands, Lörpys
  9. Luomajärvi, Lannetta, Pusu
  10. Kovanen, Ikonen, Sormunen
  11. Erkkilä from Karjula village, Saksa, Murolekoski
    Those who could read from a book and sing well were in addition to the parish clerk Matti allowed to sit in the benches in the choir.

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Location: Parkkuu off the Spot,
Kuru Wooden Church